Why we make our beer the way we do..
Our mission statement is simple. Gather people together. Create an Open environment. Appreciate the beer and company. And of course, make sure the beer Tastes great. That’s what we aim to do with our beer, and through our pubs we strive to create a place where people want to spend time together. But this article is not about pubs. It’s about beer. Our beer.
Why do we make our beer the way we do?
Let’s start at the beginning.

The Brewers.
Our craft beer brand started with an incredible friendship. We, Chris and Thomas, met each other while playing field hockey here in Hamburg. And in summers without hockey, we had too much time in our hands. We thought it would be interesting to brew beer ourselves. It all started in our kitchen with the ingredients and a pot. 5 weeks later, we tried our first beer, and it surprisingly wasn’t that bad. After that, we bought the equipment and through two contacts, who would later become our business partners, we found a garage where we could start to professionally brew beer. We thought this was such a great idea that we made our way all the way to the Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh to study for our Masters degree in Brewing and Distilling. And after brewing up a storm and drinking many beers, we started our own beer brand – The Baby Goat.
The Brews.
There's a lot of thought that goes into making a beer, and we believe that drinkers should be able to taste that in every sip. We make every effort to ensure that our beers are of the highest quality, and we take great pride in the fact that we brew them ourselves.
We brew beer the way we do because we want to create tasty and sessionable beers that people can enjoy together, fitting to our mission statement. Whether you’re sharing a few beers with friends at the pub or enjoying a few pints at home with family and friends, we want our beers to be the perfect accompaniment. We focus on traditional styles, like Weizen beers and Porters, but also experiment with new flavours and varieties, like our Double IPA and the Amber Ale. It is important that everyone can find a beer they love at our pub, so we have something for everyone.

Our range of beers is designed to fit all occasions. We have made sure to have some beers that are brewed all year round, others that are designed to fit the season, and some that are just for fun. We want people to be able to enjoy a cold one with their friends, family, and colleagues. We believe that beer brings people together, and that’s what we’re all about.
From our Gastronomy experience we’ve also learned that approachable beers with a unique twist, but not overly complex, are the most popular. That’s why all our beers have one thing in common – Any beer we brew is with a ‘3 beer rule’ in mind: If you can’t drink 3 of it then it doesn’t fit. We think this is the perfect way to enjoy a good beer, and we hope you do too.
We brew beers that are tasty and drinkable. 'Craft' can be inaccessible, and we want to bridge that gap.

The Brewery.
The garage mentioned in the introduction we still use to produce our test-batches. Due to the expansion of the range and the increased demand of the beer by our GOATs, we had to find something else. A real kick-ass brewery.
Our production was expanded and currently sits in three different locations in the Netherlands, where we also source the malt from. The hops are supplied by growers from Germany, England, and America. We take the time to make our beer the traditional way, using natural ingredients and no preservatives.
We use the three different breweries in Holland to ensure the right quality and quantity. With this set-up we are able to fill in cans, bottles and kegs, and we can simultaneously ensure quality by choosing the perfect brewery set-up to the beer style we’d like to brew.
For the future we are planning our own brewpub – our big dream.

The Collabrews.
We love beer. And we love Hamburg, a city with a great beer brewing heritage. The beer culture is rich and growing, and we want to showcase that. Our wish is to partner with our brewing friends, offering a changing selection of Hamburg’s best on our taps. We believe that the best way to create a great product is to work together with our friends and neighbours. A project in the pipeline which hopefully kicks-off soon!
The 0%.
People are increasingly conscious about alcohol consumption and its role in their lifestyle. As sportsmen, we understand the desire for an alcohol-free choice. As beer drinkers we understand the need for a tasty alcohol-free alternative. As brewers, we understand the difficulty in making a great alcohol-free beer…if it was easy everyone would do it.
Our ambition is to be a champion of craft beer but is also very clearly has to be all-inclusive. We will therefore work with a partner brewery to develop our own alcohol-free beers. The search has begun.

Long Story Short.
So, why do we make our beer the way we do? Because we think that it's the best way to bring people together to share stories and life experiences, form relationships and create memories, in a great environment....over a cold beer.
We want to share our love of beer with as many people as possible and create lasting connections along the way. Whether its a light beer for a hot summer day or a dark stout for a winters night, we will continue to create beers for every occasion. We are always looking for new ways to experiment with recipes and brewing techniques. The Baby Goat creates Craft Beers that celebrates and embodies community and togetherness. We live in Goat times!
The Baby Goat.